The Tilery owes much to a great many immensely helpful people. My thanks to: • Ken Abrams, for wacky ideas over lunch; • Mark H. Anbinder, for more good work than I could list here; • Michael Hecht, for Drag and Drop code; • Jamie R. McCarthy, for invaluable code snippets and much excellent user interface advice; • Jon Pugh, for lighting the dark ways of AppleScripting; • Pete Resnick, for more Drag and Drop code and for insisting that I do things right; • Keith Rollin, for Specified Icon Management help; • my intrepid Test Teams; • and The Blue Meanies and their friends, for System 7 and Mac OS 8. Bug reports and feature requests may be sent to me at the address below. Please check The Tilery’s Read-Me file to see whether your bug is already known before sending in your report. Thank you! -- Rick Holzgrafe